
cheap beats by dre te a way on the diar

He thinks around, there is no good plan, the Pie eye sees the jade work properly son just at one side bite index finger, scared ground of Dan Zhan to soliloquize a way:"Exactly is that dead person of hard luck, still old way of hard luck?"The heart of Li Zhao Xi in on moving, associate to°from"life" easy to learn, from easy to learn associate heaven's will, is associated by the heaven's will ……finally inspiration greatly to,Beats by Dre Electroplating, hide to one side, write a way on the diary:"The jade worked properly son to pretty and vigorously and greatly deliver at that time, presumptuously for fix Luo for sky of created boundary cure, although Li Zhao Xi knew an its incompetent physician inevitable mistake person, but didn't obstruct him, what also?After all family background Lee's generation masters in easy to learn, after secretly reckoning, early know this fact to is a heaven's will, non- manpower can be it.At that moment follow an its power, view, it changes, from get the jade work properly son to bring disaster to self to live.At the same time, also leave a reverse side teaching material for posterity, the one who be to know to show off skill, eventually harm F."Write here, still not enough satisfaction, but thought of that this is just first draft, abundant aftertime time, might as well come to the detail of weighing the between the lines again.
Liu Jia sits on the ground and in a short instant revolves various dint, is needing a station to rise and suddenly feel a Qi promise the absolute being know a difference, turning the eye has already known his despair under, the absolute being knows to unexpectedly start Huan spreading, immediately to small the vegetables say:"Is small vegetables, we of matter slowly say again, I don't know that the absolute being of Qi promise knows to also stand how long, do you want to see his last side?"Is small the vegetables see his short moment have already right itself, big in the heart in order to sigh, dark way:"This fixing of small white face for than was more severe in those early years."The words not much say order, keeping into Liu Jia Ti.The Liu Jia absolute being then knows inside return, by the side of its body mutually with.
But see the absolute being of that Qi promise know not to know when have already started floating to concuss, imitate very difficult concentration of Buddha.Is small vegetables hasty way:"Qi promise father, you ……how do you feel?"The Qi promise gets Liu Jia Yuan's dint to help each other and just a little comes to turn and see small vegetables one face sad bitterness, he the soft voice say with smile:"You need not be sad, all of us are to practice moral teachings, I am unlike you are a lot of little ……what you committed is wrong, oneself should undertake."Is small the vegetables can not restrain filled with sad feeling, low Qi way:"There is no your old man's house, which have already fixed livinging of this boundary in sky of Luo to work properly ……" Qi promise shakes and says with smile:"I ain't a good father, not only don't bring you a hope, on the contrary more increase your painful ……the offense is great how ……."
Is small the vegetables shake, helpless way:"The God the Father whole life energies all consume in fixing this boundary in sky of Luo, the world still has which even have sense of responsibility than you,beats by dre cheap, more kindly of father?My generation is stupid, all day knows that the east advertises for west to beg for and ruined other people to also ruin their themselveses ……Huang Long that opens up a Buddha says quite goodly, have because of, necessarily have is a fruit ……"Qi promise the absolute being know suddenly tiny tiny a bright, struggle to ask a way:"Have you ever seen open up a Buddha?"Is small the vegetables point nod and sigh a way:"I fixed Luo to commit many Nus for sky, was protected method various sky of 摛 by the Buddhism in those early years, everyone wanted to put out me, was that to open up a Buddha Huang Long to save me down and spread my Buddhist doctrine ……."
Qi promise tiny Zheng a short moment, suddenly take the feeling way of joy in the speech:"Say so, that strength that inhibits knife very inside your body is unexpectedly a Buddhism Chan achievement?"Is small the vegetables point nod and slightly and disappointedly say:"I am regarded as a Yu Chi and learned for so some years, didn't also learn a what title."The Qi promise absolute being knows again shining for a while, diligently say:"I front have been being just thinking, with your fix for early should should rob from explode, why and unexpectedly can prop up till now?See soft dint in your body always and inhibit knife very afterwards, I still think to is the method door that you create by yourself, have never thought ……although I once heard a various territory of Buddhism, no chance investigate, the inconvenience wildly adds commentary,see the Chan achievement in your body an operation condition, this strength seems to be just to dissolve knife very bad spirit."Make reference to here, he suddenly and easily says with smile:"I the dead shortage cherish, if you eventually can get away from to is certain to die of life, I income blessing report be biggest.You fix to do a this Buddhism Chan achievement well, perhaps can find out to have narrow escape from death from it of way ……if true ability such, you be is fix Luo for sky the first fly to rise higher state of practice moral teachings."
Is small the vegetables point nod and treat and asks severals again, but sees a Qi promise absolute being to know gradually concealed back, have no trace again.

The Monogatari of the of chapter 7 animals ten thousand absolute being Gui letter of aims wish

The absolute being of the Qi promise is small after knowing dissipation the vegetables is very long silent.Liu Jia sees him having no language and cannot helping but asking a way:" Vegetables?"Is small the vegetables suddenly wake up with a start and turn but shake head a way:"You need not old think just of matter, I now already have no again put blame on you that simpleton senior."Liu Jia smells a speech exultation way:"I know that you are the person of an open-minded, after all is one boundary eldest brother, which ability like this stingy?"Is small the vegetables shake head a wry smile way:"How to say this words of?Your senior killed me the father of one boundary, also need to let my open-minded, is this person's words?"
Liu Jia not answer criticism, but cannot help but saying:"You just not is say ……" is small the vegetables point nod and ponder a short moment, again way:"Is original, even if your boy again how severe, I can't fear you, either, after all I haven't hoped, at time of death before kill several more mats to carry on the back of, also be on the whole worth.Is your persons much fantastic?Your skill is big, do I have no confidence to kill you,also can not kill dry jade them?I of so don't want to dispute the stupid matter of the stem of your senior again, is because just Qi promise God the Father say, Chan in my body achievement for overcome to fix Luo's knife very extremely effective ……BE just thinking in my heart, God the Father he the knowledge of old man's house settle however is far to wait generation at me on, he old man's house since all say three to grind Buddhist doctrine probably is fix Luo for sky one setting free of boundary myriad living things path, think come how much some truth.At least I fixed for so some years and really was subjected to a benefit not- shallow, will should rob of the matter postponed a lot backward."
Liu Jia's point nods, great way:"Yes, he current skill in old man's house develop one boundary, how again careless is also limited, and your didn't also experience to verify his words?Now that that should rob of the matter can drag along till now as well as delay any more, can drag along for a day, can drag along for two days, drag along is a day for a day, live one more day of front line hopes, perhaps which day did you find out way to thoroughly solve to fix the trouble that should rob to have no fruit in the sky of Luo."
Is small the vegetables suddenly lose a voice to say with smile:"You this words' being well said like tomorrow me will go and should rob generally."Say him the Yi way is again:"I once heard you was Ksitigarbha but should rob in those early years of matter, but have no the opportunity observed and learned on the scene and heard pretty noisy.Yi, you might as well say to see, should rob a non- fruit felling how?Very suffered is be not?"Liu Jia smells speech one Zheng, joy way:"This kind of matter who still remember?Yi, you this words ask be like a reporter to cover, even if want to be a doorstepping journalist the round don't arrive you as well, that is my profession ……"small vegetables strange way:"Doorstepping journalist?"
Liu Jia Lan must give him the explanation and turn but say:"Speak of, I once in a recollection, once saw some shadows that should rob in those early years, the Jiang corpse king once blames me to have no to help him at that time ……but concretely what is the row, I also could not remembered, however the king of Jiang corpse in the impression is pretty cool, and that condition is also not really small."Is small the vegetables say with smile:"I advertise for to fight various boundary for several years, but have never dared to challenge Jiang corpse field, a those Jiang corpses are very not easy to kill, 2 you took up and must troops to go to, have no quasi- carelessly and all became Jiang corpse, anti- pour to strengthen his real strenght, not much worthwhile."Liu Jia's point nods and says:"Is this to manage, my this present life just way that moment, the Jiang corpse king even once invited me he that boundary interview, but tossed around all the way anti- Zhe, eventually having no could embark on a journey ……."
Say he thinks of one matter and asks a way:"I listen to the Ge silks once speak of an old matter, he says the Buddha Zu in those early years opens altar Long Hua Hui and invited hundred million field of sovereign left for, you at that time at will ascend big grumble, was this what is the row?"Is small the vegetables sigh a way:"That such as come to the skill of Buddha Zu is very big, opened an altar to expound the teachings in those early years, every one boundary was sovereign, all received a Buddha letter, as long as you promised left for, that Buddha letter signed then took you into west to enjoy very much, really wanted much and quickly how fast, the process completely could not felt to sit astride boundary, absolutely was getting more strange.My temper wasn't good in those early years, sudden the various boundary eldest brother that saw have hundred million, many people were more severe than me,cheap beats by dre, my lo wore there is spirit in the heart, shameful unfrequented I.See some people incredibly dare once fly in the head from me afterwards, and such as come of through text I am again not understand, is suppressing in the heart terribly bored Related articles:

